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Wellness Policy

At Donner Trail, we honor our district's adopted Wellness Policy to ensure the health and well-being of our students!  Additionally, here are some guidelines to consider in planning celebrations with our students:

  • We strive to be a nut-free school so that important social times such as snack and lunch allow for all students to eat and visit together.
  • Please arrange any birthday celebrations with the classroom teacher. Some ideas that are alternatives to food celebrations are:
    • Stickers, pencils or erasers for each child in the class.
    • Donation of a book to the classroom or school library in your child’s name.
    • Planning a special art, science or other activity with your child’s teacher.
  • Classroom celebrations such as the Healthy Halloween Boo-fet and Heart Healthy Valentines will focus on healthy food choices.
  • The school staff are intentional to be positive role models in promoting an active and healthy lifestyle for students.

The Donner Trail community supports TTUSD in providing the best possible learning environment for our students. To do so we will strive to provide a school wide environment that supports and reinforces healthy behaviors for all of our students-- physically, socially, and emotionally!