Bailey Crystal
Ms. Crystal Bailey: 2/3 Nest
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. Exercise Physiology M.A. Teaching & Outdoor Education
Teaching Education and History: Crystal is from Grass Valley and has been in the Tahoe area for close to ten years with her two daughters, Bailey and Naomi. Crystal received her bachelor's degree in Exercise Physiology from Chico State and had ambitions to become a physical therapist. Once her oldest daughter became preschool age, she started working in a preschool setting and realized her passion for working with kids. After working at Donner Trail as the Kindergarten program coordinator, she felt the final push to get her teaching credential. She now has her Masters in Teaching degree from Sierra Nevada University and absolutely loves the teaching profession! She helped to pilot a Forest Kindergarten program at Creekside Charter School, where she grew a love for teaching outdoors. She then taught First Grade at Creekside, where she piloted a Science of Reading based curriculum.
Teaching Passion: At the core of her teaching style is developing relationships with students. She loves connecting with kids and encouraging them to feel seen and supported. Her student’s mental well being is at the forefront of each day and believes this foundation allows for safe and immense learning. Teaching kids to read is also a huge passion of hers, emphasizing the science of reading approach.
Outside Interests: Hiking, snowboarding, working out, camping, climbing, and soaking in our beautiful place we call home. I love exploring new places, reading, and cooking. Any activity with my partner and two daughters is how I like to spend my time.
If she could have a super power, it would be: To expand time to keep learning, playing, and enjoying time with loved ones.
What else she would like you to know: I am so excited to be back at Donner Trail as the 4/5th grade teacher! Donner Trail is a special school and I feel incredibly grateful to be part of the team!