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Two-Way Immersion

Two-Way Immersion (TWI) is a distinctive form of dual language education in which balanced numbers of native English speakers and native speakers of the partner language are integrated for instruction so that both groups of students serve in the role of language model and language learner at different times.

TTUSD offers a 90/10 model starting in TK or Kindergarten at Kings Beach Elementary. The program continues at North Tahoe School and leads to a biliteracy pathway at North Tahoe High School.

What is the 90/10 Model of Two Way Immersion (TWI)? 
In TTUSD, Two-Way Immersion Students in kindergarten and first grade will receive 90% of their daily instruction in Spanish and 10% in English. Each year, students will receive more instruction in English as the percentage of a Spanish instruction time begins to decrease. By fifth grade, students will receive 50% of their daily instruction in Spanish and 50% in English. Usually, two-way programs do not accept English-only speakers AFTER the first grade and English learners AFTER second grade. Bilingual and bi-literate (ability to read and comprehend in the first and second language) students can enter the program at any time.

Emphasis on Spanish instruction in the early grades allows English-speakers ample exposure to the target language: Spanish. Spanish speakers have the opportunity to expand their vocabulary and build a strong base in their first language, enabling them to be more successful as they begin to acquire English orally, and later as they transfer reading and writing skills into English. By the end of fifth grade, the goal is that all students will be able to read, write, and speak fluently in both Spanish and English.

Classes are composed of an equal mix of native Spanish-speakers and native English-speakers who assist and learn from one another, allowing second language acquisition to occur naturally. The social interaction between students is a delight to behold. They truly learn from one another, developing high levels of confidence and self-esteem through their studies of two languages. Learning comes alive as the beauty of both languages is explored through content, literature, and song.

The goals for the students of the Two-Way program are to:

-Develop fluency and literacy in two languages, Spanish and English
-Achieve proficiency in all academic subjects, meeting or exceeding District and State guidelines.
-Cultivate an understanding and appreciation of other cultures, and develop positive attitudes toward fellow students, their families, and their community.

For more information or questions about enrollment, please contact Kings Beach Elementary.